Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week two: 01/30/11- 02/05/11

Dallas, well Texas, was hit with tons of ice/snow. The Colony, where I live got several inches of snow in the first hour. The next day, I was forced to stay at home, like several others as I couldn’t get out of my driveway as a result of the ice. People were literally stuck in their houses for 4-5 days. Most of the school districts were closed the entire week. So what do you do when you are stuck at home with a 30 before 30 list?

Complete #15 on you list! I went through my entire closet and dresser, piling clothes that were destined for someone else’s hanger. When I finished, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had 3 gigantic piles. (I couldn’t just donate them anywhere.) So, then I began my search. What else was I going to do? LOL. I found it! Friends of the Family is a women’s shelter in the Denton area that accepts clothing to sell to the women living there. I looked up the information that I needed and called but of course the store was closed because of the inclement weather. I still have not dropped of the clothes, but I plan on doing it as soon as I am able to! They are bagged and ready!

Week one: 01/23/11-01/29/11

#4 El Sándwich

I started working on Rosetta Stone. I told Tommy that although I had once been fluent in Spanish, I wanted to start completely at the beginning in order to get the most out of the experience. So, I’m sitting on the couch behind him. He’s in front of me playing video games with his friends online. (Yes, we are such a romantic couple, I know.) I immediately begin to feel a bit ridiculous as I am repeating words and phrases that I already know but I continue. Tommy hadn’t recognized what I was doing at this point I guess. Then, there it was…the word that got us both laughing so hard. The program asked me to repeat it and I began to laugh slightly as it rolled off my tongue. “El sándwich.” He immediately turned around and started laughing. “Really? Really? How much did the software cost us to teach you to say sandwich?” So, we are both sitting there laughing, meanwhile the program is beeping at me because it doesn’t recognize the laughing as speech. Rosetta Stone grades you in an attempt to show you what you need to work on. My grade keeps getting worse and worse. Tommy decides at this point that he is fluent and begins quoting a line from Encino Man “The cheese is old and moldy….el queso es viejo y…..,” in a very funny accent. My microphone was picking him up and I wasn’t able to get anywhere. I’d say this went on for about an hour or so. I eventually got through that particular part of the lesson, but it took several attempts as we both were laughing so hard. Perhaps you all should have been here to witness it in order to understand the hilarity, but there it is. So, I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Perhaps I should refrain from my studying with Tommy’s help! LOL! Adios!